Kohala Coast, HI 96743
Directions: From Queen Ka'ahumanu Highway, turn onto the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel access road near mile marker 68. Tell the guard at the entry gate that you would like to visit Mau'umae Beach. You will be given a beach pass. After leaving the entry gate, take the third right turn. Proceed until you cross 2 wooden bridges. Avoid the paved road and wooden gate (this is a private residence). Parking is available along the road at telephone pole #22 and not past telephone pole #21 (parking area is unpaved and rough in some spots). Proceed down the path to the north end of the beach. Avoid the foot bridge and property at the south end of the beach. Do not leave any valuables in the car (car break-ins have happened here).

Beach near Mauna Kea Beach Hotel

Nice beach for a picnic

Scenic and secluded

North Kohala beach

Secluded Big Island beach

White-sand beach

Sign at the entrance

Scenic trail leads to the the beach

Nearby scenery

Beach trail

Warning signs